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LL.B., Assessor iuris, Hamburg, Germany (Judge's qualification)

Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Provider (Resolution Institute)

Accredited Mediator (Resolution Institute)

Humanistic Mediator (Jacqueline Morineau, France, 2023)

Certified Strategic Intervention Coach (Robbins/Madanes Training)

Certified Transformational Coach (Coach Masters Academy)

NLP Practitioner Level (Achology Institute)

Counselling Skills Practitioner (Achology Institute)

LSI / Human Synergistics Provider (Human Synergistics Australia / New Zealand)

Natalie Hormann, Ass. iur.

Natalie graduated law school in Germany with the German Judge's qualification in 2002. Her post grad training included 6 months as acting Judge under supervision at the Family Court in Hamburg and it was during this time she experienced first hand the challenges of the Family Court system, which is often only able to mitigate the consequences of a bad situation. 

Fast forward 20 years and various life changes, including moving to New Zealand in 2003, Natalie is now working as a Family Mediator and certified Strategic Intervention and Transformational Coach, supporting families through separation since 2020.

She also trains Executives in leadership, negotiation, influence and communication - bringing together tools and insights from psychology with her legal background and experience in peace building and conflict resolution. 

Life experiences that contribute to her work are raising her own children (and navigating separation), her migration background and intercultural awareness, as well as work experiences in teaching children, community development and public policy.

Natalie mediates in the Greater Wellington Region and nationwide via zoom web conference, but is also available for travel. 

She is fluent in German and English.

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